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DC-Native Makes History As The First Black Woman To Own A Tequila Brand By Herself


February 17, 2021

Drinks on her!

A DC-native makes history as the first Black woman to solely own a tequila brand, NBC Washington reports. 


Tiffany Hainesworth is the sole owner of T-Capri TequilaShe was a federal government employee for nearly 30 years before an accident changed her life.

“I was in a car accident, and, you know, things were bad for me, I wasn’t working…I wanted to do something different, something fun,” Hainesworth told reporters. 

During her recovery, she began looking at the spirits business, researching how Tequila was made after creating an infused gourmet treats business. That’s when she discovered a distillery in Guadalajara, Mexico. Despite the U.S. State Department’s warning about crime in the area, Hainesworth traveled to the city anyway, committed to learning the process. She began to work alongside the farmers, harvesting agave plants as the basis for her Tequila. 


“It was important to me to pay homage to a product that I was producing. I didn’t want to just slap my name on a bottle and say I have a liquor brand,” she said. 


Now, Hainesworth’s T-Capri Tequila is in stores all across Maryland. She credits her grandfather and aunts with her work ethic and hopes to grow the brand to distribute it globally eventually. She hopes her story will inspire other women and those living in the margins to never give up on their dreams.

“It makes me feel like anything is possible for women, anything is possible for minorities. You just have to focus, put your mind to it and stay at it,” said Hainesworth.

Click here to locate a retailer selling T-Capri Tequila.


Congratulations, Tiffany!

Photo Courtesy of @TCapriTequila/Instagram

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