
17-year-old Set to Graduate from University of Alabama with Master’s, Earns 3rd Degree in 2 Years


May 20, 2024

She’s earned herself a strong head-start!

LeAnna Roberts, a remarkable 17-year-old from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, has achieved an extraordinary milestone. WBRC reports that she recently graduated from the University of Alabama with her Master’s degree in Business Administration, making her one of the youngest graduates in the university’s history.

Roberts’ journey to this achievement highlights her determination and hard work. Unlike many prodigies, she had no secret method. Instead, she credits her success to a long-standing commitment to academic excellence and the unwavering support of her parents. Reflecting on her accomplishment, Roberts marveled at how far she has come in such a short time. “I would say I am surprised. Looking back four years ago when I was in high school, I would have never imagined, never saw this in the cards for myself,” she said.


Roberts’ journey is indeed awe-inspiring. She graduated from Central High School in Tuscaloosa at just 15 years old. On the same day, she also earned an Associate’s degree in science from Shelton State Community College. “When I started my 9th grade year, I knew I wanted a challenge, and I began to take dual enrollment courses at Shelton State Community College,” Roberts explained.

Her academic journey didn’t stop there. Entering the University of Alabama as a junior, Roberts earned her undergraduate degree in biology by the age of 16. Now, at 17, she received her Master’s in Business Administration with a Healthcare Management concentration. “From an early age, my parents really poured into me. I always had a love for reading, learning, science. I was a very inquisitive child,” Roberts shared.


Despite her impressive achievements, Roberts faced challenges along the way. Enrolling at the University of Alabama presented new academic hurdles, but she tackled them head-on. “That was really the first thing I had to buckle down, re-evaluate, and learn different study habits and ultimately ended up very well,” she said.

Her perseverance paid off, as evidenced by the six cords she wore on graduation day, signifying her well-rounded academic journey. “Another one for the MBA society,” Roberts noted proudly.

The journey doesn’t end with her recent graduation. In June, Roberts will continue her education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), where she plans to pursue another Master’s degree. Her ultimate goal is to attend medical school, with plans to graduate with her second Master’s degree in 2025.


Through all her achievements, Roberts has remained focused on what truly drives her. “Find out what keeps you going and chase after that. We all have different gifts and talents,” she advised.

Cover photo: 17-year-old Set to Graduate from University of Alabama with Master’s, Her 3rd Degree in 2 Years / Credit: University of Alabama

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