
VA Students Raise $20K to Provide Beloved Custodian With Dream Car


September 12, 2024

This is so sweet!

Francis Apraku is a custodian at James Madison High School in Vienna, Virginia, Good Morning America (GMA) reports. Recently, he shared with some of the students that one of his dreams was to own a Jeep Wrangler one day. That’s when the scholars sprung into action. 

“As a challenge, we decided to make a [fundraiser] to see if we could make his dream come true because he does so much for us but he gets nothing in return,” said Bennett, one of the students spearheading the efforts. 


At first, he and his fellow sophomores thought that they’d launch the fundraiser this past May, at the end of their freshman year, with the goal of making Apraku’s dream come true by their senior year. But they were stunned at the overwhelming amount of support. 

“In the first two days, we raised $5,000 and we were in shock. It was really amazing how the town could come together and raise that much so quickly for a man they never knew,” said Bennett. 

This past September 9th, students joined together to surprise Apraku with his dream car, a cherry red Jeep Wrangler. As students poured into the parking lot of the local Vienna Inn restaurant, Apraku fell to the ground in shock, filled with joy as he promised to “never forget” the students and the local community. 


“The custodial staff and I deeply cherish the connection that we make with the Madison High School students. We all take pride in our work and love that we are made to feel such a welcome part of the school community. I couldn’t believe it when I received such an incredible gift. This means the world to me, and I will never forget their kindness,” said Apraku 

Another student, Nick, said surprising Apraku was all worth it, calling the good deed “such a good feeling.” 

“I don’t know how to describe it. Just knowing that all of our work to spread the word actually worked and we were able to get him the car, it felt incredible. He is always encouraging us and is such a great person, and if there’s anyone who deserves this, it’s him.”


Congratulations Francis! Check out the heartwarming moment below!

Cover photo: VA Students Raise $20K to Provide Beloved Custodian With Dream Car/Photo credit: Gina Hibshman/Good Morning America


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