
Detroit Running Collective ‘WeRun313’ Founder Teams up With runDisney to Promote Health & Wellness


August 14, 2024

This is a fun way to jumpstart your wellness!

Lance Woods is the founder of WeRun313, a Detroit-based running collective he launched in 2019 with co-founder Joe Robinson, as a safe space for Black people interested in joining a community of runners. 

“In 2017, I began organizing group runs in Detroit to promote physical and mental wellness. It wasn’t until April 2019, during a visit to Washington, D.C., that I experienced the remarkable power of a run club at District Running Collective. This group, with its hundreds of members and unique structure, inspired me to create a similar safe space for Black individuals in Detroit, extending far beyond just running,” Woods told Because Of Them We Can.


To date, WeRun313 has become Michigan’s largest and fastest-growing run club, attracting thousands of participants and being featured on major platforms, including NBC’s Today Show, The Huffington Post, and Runner’s World Magazine. 

For Woods, it’s about creating more visibility in the running space and challenging stereotypes while spurring the community to use running culture to address other pertinent issues, from “initiatives that address gaps in resources” to “improved access and support for underserved communities.” 


“Historically, Black individuals have often been underrepresented in sports, including running. Increasing visibility and participation is key to addressing this imbalance and creating a more equitable environment. It challenges the stereotype that running is predominantly for certain groups and highlights the diversity within the running community. When Black runners see others who look like them achieving success or being celebrated, it can inspire them to pursue running and other athletic pursuits,” explained Woods. 

Now Woods is looking to spotlight the beauty of a running community nationwide, teaming up with runDisney to amplify their Virtual Race Series, a fun and easy way for others to jumpstart their running journey and build community while doing it. For years, Walt Disney World has hosted in-person races in partnership with runDisney, encouraging health and wellness while giving out fun and magical prizes. Recently, they kicked off their summer Virtual Race Series, offering participants the option to complete three 5ks from the comfort of their home in exchange for fun-themed Disney medals and prizes. 

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Woods recently completed the summer Virtual Race Series in Detroit to promote health and wellness and encourage beginners and veterans to explore the virtual series. The virtual option lets you get involved without the pressure of running alongside thousands on the big stage. You can run on your local trails, on vacation, or with your family, which allows you to build a community from anywhere in the world through the runDisney portals. While the in-person events are a magical celebration, the virtual race series is more accessible and easy to do on the go, breaking up the monotony of your regular routine and logging in to a safe running space that guarantees a true Disney treat. 

“It was very easy to complete. I did all my runs during our weekly 5k/10k Thursday group run. The website is user-friendly, and easy to upload the results as well. I think it is a great way to get involved. [runDisney gives out fun rewards when you accomplish a race, which] gives extra encouragement to keep going. I know a few people who have done the runDisney series in person, but I will likely tell others about the virtual option [as well],” said Woods. 

Participants of the Virtual Race Series received fun welcome packs with a towel, medals, and lots of Disney snacks, including a Mickey Mouse waffle. After completing each 5k, Woods received four medals, including a special challenge series finisher medal and unique runDisney gifts. 


For someone with an established running community in his hometown, Woods wants to encourage others to do the same by joining virtual communities like runDisney if they can’t find local ones. Woods says it’s an excellent way to hold yourself accountable for consistent physical wellness, connect with other runners, and possibly jumpstart training for an in-person runDisney race event one day. 

Now that the summer fun is over, Woods is looking to finish strong with WeRun313 this year. He’s preparing for the organization’s 2nd annual “Run The 313” 5k race on August 24th and continuing to forge more brand partnerships for the community, already having worked with major companies like Asics, Lululemon, Gazelle Sports, Propel, and StockX. To date, WeRun313’s upcoming 5k has already superseded last year’s race registrations, with more than 500 people signing up. 
To learn more about runDisney race events and the work of WeRun313, visit www.runDisney.com and www.werun313.com

Cover photo: Detroit Running Collective ‘WeRun313’ Founder Teams up With runDisney to Promote Health & Wellness/Photo credit: Lance Woods/WeRun313/Instagram


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