
New Law Requires All New York State Cosmetology Students to Learn How to Style Textured Hair


December 6, 2023

New York State just made a huge breakthrough in the cosmetology world!

All cosmetology students in New York State will now be required to learn how to style textured hair. Before this, students had to seek additional courses for specialized training. With this mandate, mastering natural hair is now a requirement for licensure. New York State Senator Jamaal T. Bailey introduced Bill S6528A in April 2023, which set the law into motion.

“It’s not only common sense, [it’s] the right thing to do,” Sen. Bailey told Allure. “It’s personal.”


The bill’s main goal is to diversify cosmetology school education in order to give all students the knowledge to work with every type of hair texture. The bill states that graduates should have the ability to provide styling and hair care services “to individuals with all hair types and textures, including, but not limited to, various curl or wave patterns, hair strand thicknesses, and volumes of hair.”

Bill S6528A was introduced in April 2023 and officially signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul on November 17, 2023. It will take full effect in approximately six months, which gives cosmetology schools in New York State the time to adjust their courses and overall curriculum to make sure they’re following the new law, Sen. Bailey explained to Allure.

There has been similar legislation in the past regarding what is considered the appearance enhancement business. Myra Reddy, director of government affairs at the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), further explained, “In 2017, New York Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow spearheaded legislation which mandated New York add a professional hairstylist to the state’s Appearance Enhancement Advisory Committee to advise on matters concerning curriculums inclusive of all textured hair.


Reddy continued, “Senator Bailey and Assemblywoman Solages’ legislation to mandate texture hair education builds upon the important work Assemblyman Pretlow put in motion.”

(Cover photo: Woman washing her hair/Photo by Shutterstock)

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