She had no idea her mom would make it!
A United States Army officer surprised her daughter before graduation in a heartwarming video, News Channel 8 reports.
Jai Sisk is just like any other teenager preparing for graduation, spending time with family and friends, winding down your studies, and getting prepared for the next phase of life. The only difference is that Jai’s mom is a Chief Warrant Officer in the army who happens to be deployed overseas. As a result, the high schooler was prepared to do graduation without her number one supporter there.
In a video released by the US Army, Jai sits in a restaurant with her family as she watches a special video message that her mom, Trina Sisk, made for her. The video is a montage of precious moments in lieu of Sisk not being able to attend graduation in person.
“Though I’m not there with you in person, know that I am always there,” Sisk says.
Jai makes it through the video without getting too choked up, joking that her mom looks “like one of them soldiers in them videos on TV.” Just as she finishes the words, she turns to see her mother standing right there next to her. Jai jumps up as she embraces her mom, nearly refusing to let go.
The two share kisses before Jai remarks that she’s “been calling [her mom] all day.”
Sisk was permitted to attend the graduation, afterward returning to duty in Kuwait in support of Operation Spartan Shield.
Congratulations, Jai! We’re so glad that you and your mom were able to share this special moment together.
Photo Courtesy of News Channel 8