
Keith Lee Makes Surprise Visit to His Brother’s New Restaurant in Florida for a Special Food Review


June 5, 2024

Now, this is what we call brotherly love!

Keith Lee is an influencer who carved a niche for himself, earnestly helping small food businesses go viral. His calm demeanor, honest feedback, and penchant for helping the underdogs have become a hallmark of his brand, with many following Lee to find out where the next hidden gem is before the masses catch on. 

Recently, Lee decided to surprise his brother, former UFC fighter turned restaurateur Kevin Lee, at his new “Braised” restaurant in Hollywood, Florida. Lee explained that his brother had asked him not to review his restaurant yet since he wanted to “get it out the mud” and make a name for himself without the help of his uber-popular brother. 


Recently retired, Kevin set up a pop-up shop for his restaurant in the local farmer’s market, curating the space by hand and offering a variety of braised meats with delicious sides for those interested in fine dining at an affordable price. After his brother revealed that business had been particularly slow despite his hard work, Lee decided to finally make the visit himself to see what could be the cause.

Doing his best to conceal his identity, Lee pulled up to the parking lot, asking a stranger, whom he paid, to buy the food so he could properly execute his surprise. The stranger returned with Lee’s order of braised short ribs with mashed potatoes, duck with potatoes and gravy, and video proof that the customer service was excellent. Then, Lee began his signature review with the help of his wife and family. 


“I do think he can cook, but I’m going to be 100% honest…It’s seasoned extremely well in my opinion, I don’t even gotta say it, this short rib is tender, it’s falling off of the bone. These mashed potatoes I wish they were a little bit creamier, they are a little lumpy. But I really like this gravy, I like this gravy a lot,” said Lee, providing his honest and constructive feedback.

Lee’s family agreed, giving it a solid 8 out of 10 before moving on to the duck. They all agreed that the dish was delicious, even for those who may not eat duck, and congratulated the brother on his desire to experiment. Lee’s wife said she actually liked the duck better than the rib, giving it a 9.2 out of 10. 

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Kevin eventually caught on as word of mouth spread that Lee was outside. He eventually brought the fam some oxtails as well, which Lee also rated impeccably. Ecstatic to see his brother, Lee eventually got out of the car to greet him and bless him with a $10,000 donation to further his business endeavors. The video has since received hundreds of thousands of shares, and, in true “Keith Lee effect” fashion, “Braised by Kevin Lee” received an influx of customers the very next day, selling out in just three hours. 

“Braised” is currently open Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m.- 5 p.m., at the Yellow Green Farmers Market in Hollywood, Florida. Nothing on the menu is more than $20, featuring 16-hour braised oxtail, braised duck, BBQ beef short rib, chicken and sausage gumbo, and an assortment of sides. If you’re headed for a plate, make sure to get there early because it is sure to sell out!

Cover photo: Keith Lee Makes Surprise Visit to His Brother’s New Restaurant in Florida for a Special Food Review/Photo Credit: @Keith_Lee125/Instagram 


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