
Maryland Couple Celebrates Their 69th Wedding Anniversary


November 20, 2023

A huge congratulations are in order for a Maryland couple!

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only one percent of married couples reach 69 years of marriage. Yet, Lenard Harvey, 93, and Bernice Harvey, 98, have made it to the mark as they celebrate their anniversary. “I think it’s a blessing,” Lenard told News4. “God has blessed us, truly.”

Both Lenard and Bernice consider themselves Christians, and Lenard says that the values and beliefs he developed at a young age helped guide him throughout his life. “By being a Christian man, I believe that whoever God puts together, let no man put asunder,” Lenard explained to the news station.


The way Lenard tells the story of how they met is that they were opposites. He was a country boy; she was a city girl, but they fell for each other anyway.

“We just courted for about five months, and that was it,” Lenard said. For many people, dating for less than a year wouldn’t be enough to get to know each other, but it worked out for Lenard and Bernice.

“Do you love me?” Lenard asked Bernice while News4 chatted with the couple. Bernice laughed back, “After all these years?”


Lenard added, “Sometimes I wake and look over at her, and she’ll be out,” Lenard said. “And I just touch her, and she’ll look up and go back [to sleep] I’ll just say, ‘Time to get up, baby. It’s another day.'” 

(Photo Credit: News4)

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