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Teen Who Went Viral For Morehouse College Acceptance Earns Full-Ride Scholarship


April 26, 2023

Philadelphia high school senior Amir Staten went viral in March when his mother posted a video of him sprinting for joy after finding out he was accepted to his top choice, Morehouse College.






Staten received an exuberant amount of love under the post, even Morehouse commented “Welcome to the House!”

The Black boy joy was through the roof but Staten knew he’d need money to make his higher education dreams a reality. He launched a fundraising campaign, however he surpassed his goal upon learning that he was the recipient of a full scholarship through the Bonner Foundation.


According to the website, “the Bonner Program provides a scholarship to students in exchange for weekly commitment to intensive and meaningful service with a local community organization over the four years as an undergraduate student…” 

The Germantown Friends School senior spoke of his achievement to 6ABC saying, “It’s overwhelming, but it’s also a message to other kids in the city. You don’t have to pick up a gun to be cool. You don’t have to be involved in the streets to be cool. You can go to college and get a degree and still be the coolest.” 

Here’s to a successful collegiate experience at the House, Amir! 



Photo: Instagram/ kstat69

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